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Our Outplacement Program provides the appropriate preparation & methodology to support executives in a career transition. 

It is a personalized solution which evaluates their potential vs the market, defines a professional development plan and/or supports them in establishing a new entrepreneurial activity. 



Our goal is the successful reintegration of the individual in the labor market or the implementation of his/her professional idea.


An effective & Professional program 

  • A Successful Career Transition achieved in 5 Weeks

  • We focus on the true expectations & goals of each individual

  • Meet the Expert, a insightful moment

  • Referral to the main HR actors in Greece

Our approach in 5 steps:

  1. First General Meeting
    A point on the general professional experience, capabilities & career changes expected, with our career transition specialist.

  2. Deeply Understanding about the Skills, Competencies and Personality  
    Professional Personality Questionnaire, Psychometric Assessments & Debrief

  3. Meet the expert!
    Meeting an experienced professional of the specific field and sector of activities, aiming exchange tips, point of views & defining proper guidance and the action plan to follow.

  4. Implementation and monitoring of the final project based on the action plan defined

  5. Completion of the project 
    The Executive is ready to join a new Corporate Environment /or/ to establish a new professional activity. Feedback session

Duration: 5 weeks = 5 days in total = 1 step per week

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