We learned that you use
LinkedIn but maybe not in a professional and effective way.

You write your CV on your own.
We review several every day.
Let's update yours together!

You certainly know your strengths.
Do you know your areas of Improvement ?

You have discussions with companies but how well prepared are you for interviews?

Applying to job posts, is it the only method you use to promote yourself?

Choose a combo.
Save up to 30%
We train you.

We boost your career journey!

LinkedIn & CV
Let's create together the most suitable version of your LinkedIn & CV for your dreamy career step!

Mock-Up Interviews
You want to be better prepared for interviews? We got your back! Let's have a Mock-up Interview and get useful Feedback for it!

NFC Business Card
The modern way to share your personal and professional information: Contact details, LinkedIn profile, CV, Portfolio etc..